History of the evolution of Counter-Strike

CS:GO is a multiplayer first-person shooter that was released in 2012. We are going to look at the history of CS:GO, which started long before its release.

Counter-Strike, as a game series, started its way in 1999 as a modification of the Half-Life game. It was created by two students: Jess Klineer and Ming Lee. The game immediately became very popular and quickly attracted the attention of Valve Corporation. It bought the rights to CS: and included it in its game set.

In time Counter-Strike became one of the most popular shooter games, and Valve decided to update it and release a new version. The development started in 2010. Already then the developers realized that the game is not going to be just an update, but a full-fledged innovative one.

During the development process, Valve tried to preserve the basic concepts of the original game, but at the same time add a lot of new features and improvements. One of the most important innovations was graphics. CS:GO got modern 3D graphics that significantly improved the visual part of the game.

Overall, the creation of CS:GO was a huge success for Valve. Today the game continues to be one of the most popular online games and breaks its own record for the number of simultaneous gamers on Steam.

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